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How To Prepare A Perfect Resume




  • 個人基本資料:如姓名、性別、年齡、家庭狀況、專長、個性等。
  • 學歷:教育過程、學校名稱、主修及輔修科目等。
  • 工作經驗:如公司名稱、所任職務、工作性質、工作成就等。應屆畢業生沒有正式工作。可將過去的打工經驗,在學校曾參加過任何校內、校外的活動和社團,曾獲得甚麼榮譽,詳列在自傳中。讓評審了解你是關懷學校、社會和國家、熱心服務的好青年。
  • 理想與抱負:如離開公司的原因、前來應徵的理由、對此項工作的展望等。
  • 照片:可依您要報考的航空公司,而選擇投其所好的照片。如長榮的空服員清新可人,您就選擇一張清清秀秀的照片。讓評審感覺您真像長榮的空服員。最好是較正式的近照,沙龍照並不適合。
  • 附推薦函:在應試前,請學校教授或上司為您寫1-2封推薦函,可針對您目前應徴的空服員工作,把您的特點抒發出來。


  1. 撰寫自傳以凸顯個人特質、簡潔有力為主,理想字數在一千字以內。
  2. 自傳表達應段落分明,多用動詞及積極性口吻,少用負面性用詞。
  3. 資料完整:最好是履歷上所有項目均填入資料,越詳細越好。
  4. 填寫學、經歷時,應由時間近者往遠者依序列出。
  5. 多蒐集資料:填待遇欄時註明「依公司規定」、「照一般水準」是較穩當作法。
  6. 忌用影本:所有資料最好親筆繕寫、影印本一方面不正式,一方面則給人尊重的負面印象,照片自然。
  7. 字跡工整:寫自傳最好是手寫,除較具親和力之外,評審也偏向透過字跡對求職者態、寫作能力及個性做初步評估。
  8. 避免塗改:下筆前最好先打草稿,避免錯字或塗改太多,給人粗心或程度不佳的印象。
  9. 最好請外國人檢查英文履歷自傳部分,以防有錯。



Being a young energetic individual. I am described by my peers as an easygoing, open- minded, and considerate person. Throughout the four years of university life. I participated in many club events and activities, including planning and organizing parties and dances, fund raisings, and many other social functions. As the president of Taiwanese Student Association, I was responsible for providing better study environment and leisure time activities during the school year for nearly 300 members.  

My communicative and organizational skills which had helped me to achieve many outstanding goals. I am capable of managing my time efficiently. While taking a major role in the student association, I also managed to hold a part-time job as a restaurant bartender. I had learned the time management, problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills. Under any circumstances, I am also flexible and adaptable to different situations . I used to work as an overseas volunteer in Thailand. I had learned how to deal and mingle with people.

Being a flight attendant is my long-term goal. To provide my best service and professional working attitude to my future passengers is also my dream. I look forward to being a part of XXX Airlines crew member.


I am currently studying at XXX University, department of Fine Art. My father is a……, he showed a lot of devotion to the field of work that he endeavored in. This gave me the ambition to strive for excellence in the field that one day I would be employed in. 

I had been to Thailand to work as a volunteer when I was sophomore. To teach local children and drug abusers to draw painting and do labor jobs. In addition, I used to host a children’s TV art program and work as an art teacher at art studio. In my school period, while I was there I found it most uplifting to spend my free time in after hour activities such as the chorus team. It was there that I learned the true meaning of team work, hard work, self-discipline and strong source of zeal.

I am the type of person that needs to follow the rules and have respect for authority, I have an over powering sense of loyalty to the company I work for and the people that I work with. I throughout the years have proven myself to be very dependable and I feel it most prudent to always be prepared for any type of circumstances that may arise. I have a good sense of justice of what is and what is not just in working environment, I am very punctual. I feel that is most important to have a strong bond with fellow workers. With the understanding in Airlines industry, and my passion toward service, I believe I am an excellent candidate of this position. Thank you for considering my application. My name is……, and I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my autobiography. I am looking forward to being part of xxx Airlines.







一、蒐集目的: 本公司基於教育、諮詢與顧問服務,及其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務,並為行銷、客戶管理、統計調查與分析、資訊與資料庫管理之目的,在個資法規範下蒐集、處理及利用您所提供之個人資料。

二、個人資料之類別: 1、基本資料(包括且不限於:姓名、身分證字號、住址、聯絡方式等)。 2、個人特徵(包括且不限於:年齡、性別、出生年月日等)。 3、教育相關資訊(包括且不限於:就讀學校、學習過程或考試紀錄等)。 4、財務資訊(包括且不限於:信用卡或帳戶資訊等)。

三、個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式: 1、於您使用本服務時,本公司將透過電子報、電子郵件、郵件、電話等方式,提供您相關資訊。 2、將您所瀏覽之內容,依您個人屬性、購買紀錄或網站瀏覽紀錄等,進行個人化作業或使用服務分析、新服務之行銷、系統升級改進、產品(服務)研發、學術研究、客製化廣告、廣告效果評估及市場調查分析或改善現有服務等,並針對您於民調、活動、留言版等留存之意見,以及其他服務關連事項,與您進行聯繫。 3、於您使用本服務時,網頁頁面中將自動顯示會員名稱,並提供內部及外部會員匿名研究或數據報告,以改進本公司的服務,滿足您對產品和服務的要求。 4、因您使用本服務所提供之個人資料,本公司謹以上述目的、方式、範圍內為蒐集、儲存、處理、傳輸及使用,並供本公司於營運期間在中華民國境內,依法使用您的個人資料。

四、資料保密性與安全性: 本公司對於所屬員工存取您的個人資料有嚴格的規範,並符合法規要求,以保護您個人資料的安全。

五、依個資法第3條規定得行使之權利及方式: 1、您使用本服務後,得向本公司請求查詢、閱覽、更正及刪除所留存之資料,倘您前述請求,致影響前述目的之執行,本公司得限制或終止您的會員資格,且本公司就您的查詢、閱覽或複製得請求支付必要成本費用。 2、若您拒絕提供使用本服務所必須之資料,將可能導致無法使用本服務。