Hypersonic “Space Plane” Promises 4-hour London to Sydney Flights by 2030s


Jack Guy and Maureen O'Hare


(CNN) — Flight times from London to Sydney could be 80% shorter by the 2030s, should a *hypersonic rocket engine being developed in the UK get off the ground.

The Synergetic *Air-Breathing Rocket Engine (SABRE) engine, from Oxfordshire-based Reaction Engines, looks to be the jewel in the crown of this new *enterprise.

“When we have brought the SABRE rocket engine to *fruition, that may enable us to get to Australia in perhaps as little as four hours,” said Graham Turnock, head of the UK Space Agency.

“This is technology that could definitely deliver that. We’re talking the 2030s for *operational service, and the work is already very advanced.”

Fans of supersonic flight have been *yearning for a new way to break the sound barrier ever since Concorde stopped flying in 2003.

In April 2019, Reaction Engines announced successful tests of a precooler, *simulating conditions at Mach 3.3, or more than three times the speed of sound.

That’s more than 50% faster than the cruising speed of Concorde — which used to make the journey between New York and Paris in around 3.5 hours — and matches the speed record of the fastest jet aircraft ever made, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird.

The precooler tests took place at a testing facility at the Colorado Air and Space Port in the United States.At such high speeds, air flowing through the engine can reach *incredibly high temperatures, which can potentially cause damage.

(CNN)— 如果英國正在研發的超音速火箭引擎可以成功,那麼在2030年代,由倫敦到雪梨的飛行時間有望縮短80%。

來自牛津郡的React Engines的Synthetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine(SABRE)發動機看起來將成為這家新企業皇冠上的明珠。




在2019年4月,Reaction Engines宣布成功測試了預冷器,以3.3馬赫的速度模擬條件,即聲音速度的三倍以上。





Hypersonic adjective relating to speeds of more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5). relating to sound frequencies above about a thousand million hertz. 超音速的
  • An even longer-range hypersonic missile is also in the works.
Air-breathing adjective of, employing, or being an engine that requires air for combustion 空氣助燃的
  • He studied respiration in marine air-breathing vertebrates.
Enterprise noun an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money 組織;(尤指)公司,企業
  • Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money. 不要忘記這是一個商業組織——我們到這兒來是爲了賺錢的。
Fruition noun an occasion when a plan or an idea begins to happen, exist, or be successful 實現;完成
  • None of his grand plans for a TV series ever came to fruition. 他拍攝一部電視連續劇的諸般偉大計劃無一實現。
Operational adjective relating to a particular activity 經營上的;運作上的
  • There are operational advantages in putting sales and admin in the same building. 將銷售部門和行政部門設在同一幢大樓,有利經營。
Yearn verb to wish very strongly, especially for something that you cannot have or something that is very difficult to have 渴望,切盼,渴求
  • Sometimes I just yearn to be alone. 有時我只想一人獨處。
Stimulate verb to do or make something that looks real but is not real 類比,模仿;假裝
  • In cheap furniture, plastic is often used to simulate wood. 廉價傢俱經常用塑膠模仿木材。
Incredibly adverb used for saying that something is very difficult to believe 難以置信地
  • Incredibly, no one was hurt in the accident. 意外中居然沒有人受傷,這真是令人難以置信。

Practical Phrases






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