The Beyond Meat burger is coming to McDonald’s in a Canadian test


Jordan Valinsky


New York (CNN Business)McDonald’s will begin testing a Beyond Meat burger, giving the plant-based meat craze a major endorsement.

The P.L.T. (plant, lettuce, tomato) burger will go on sale in 28 McDonald’s locations in Southwestern Ontario, including Canada’s largest city, Toronto, for a limited time. The 12-week test will begin Monday.

Beyond Meat’s (BYND) stock shot up 11.5% on Thursday. Some food industry insiders had speculated that McDonald’s could partner with Nestle to bring a vegan burger to market in North America.

Nestle made McDonald’s vegan burger, the Big Vegan TS, in Germany, one of McDonald’s top 5 international markets.

McDonald’s (MCD) said it is testing the P.L.T. because of customers’ growing interest in plant-based alternatives. The company said it’s still in “learning mode,” so it will review the test’s results before adding the Beyond Meat burger elsewhere.

The plant-based protein trend is growing rapidly as people try to eat less meat and to reduce their environmental footprints. Unlike veggie burgers, which long had a mediocre reputation, the new plant-based proteins are designed to look and taste like meat and appeal to meat eaters as well as vegans and vegetarians.

McDonald’s has been slower than its competitors in embracing the meatless trend. Burger King sells Impossible Whoppers to all of its US locations and Tim Horton’s sells variations of Beyond Meat-based sandwiches in select Canadian markets. White Castle, Qdoba, Bareburger and others, are selling plant-based menu items as well.

So far, McDonald’s plant-based burger sales have been limited. Two years ago, the company announced it would sell a McVegan burger, made with a soy patty, in Finland and Sweden. McDonald’s partnered with a specialty Norwegian food company called Orkla on that earlier product. The chain also offers veggie burgers on some menus, depending on local demand.

For McDonald’s, the decision isn’t as easy because it has struggled with a complex menu that has angered franchises and slowed down service. CEO Steve Easterbrook previously said that the company has to weigh whether adding plant-based menu options is “worth it.”

The P.L.T. will be served on a toasted bun with the usual array of toppings, including lettuce, onions and tomatoes. McDonald’s will charge $6.49 Canadian ($5 US). Cheese is also optional.

Beyond Meat’s stock surged nearly 600% after it went public in June, but it has faded in recent weeks over fears it was overvalued. Still, shares are up more than 400% since its opening price of $25 per share.




麥當勞在德國的市場全世界前五大市場,雀巢已經在當地試賣了純素漢堡 。



事實上麥當勞比其他速食餐廳業者例如漢堡王已經在美國的全國分店販售無肉華堡還要慢進入這個無肉的市場,還有蒂姆霍頓斯Tim Hortons也在加拿大的部分市場販售這樣子無肉的三名治。也有像是白色城堡White Castle和Qdoba墨西哥燒烤餐廳參加這場無肉市場潮流的。


這樣的決定對麥當勞來說並不容易尤其是在這麼複雜的菜單裡面,這樣的改變引起了其他經銷商的不滿同時也使服務變慢。CEO Steve Easterbrook 先前提到公司必須去衡量加入這樣的植物性漢寶的選項是不是值得的。



— CNN Business’ Danielle Weiner-Bronner contributed to this report.


Conservationist noun someone who works to protect the environment from the damaging effects of human activity 環境保護主義者
  • Conservationists are fighting to save the tiger.

Practical Phrases

make a name for oneself to become famous or respected by a lot of people. 揚名, 成名
  • He's made a name for himself as a talented journalist.
raise one’s eyebrows to show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards. 揚起眉毛(表示驚訝)
  • She raised her eyebrows at the idea, but after I went through the details of the plan, she was agreed to support it.
bring sth. to life to make something more real or exciting. 使…成真; 使…生動有趣
  • The book brings all the characters to life.






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