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Ocean Cleanup Makes History by Successfully Collecting First Plastic from Great Pacific Garbage Patch


GNN Editor


For the first time in history, conservationists have collected trash from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch for recycling.

After one year of testing, The Ocean Cleanup organization announced this week that their System 001/B vessel is successfully capturing and collecting plastic *debris.

The patch is a massive island of trash drifting halfway between California and Hawaii. Over a trillion pieces of debris have collected there because of the swirling *vortex of current—a floating mass roughly twice the size of Texas.

After discovering the patch in the 90s, scientists said it would take thousands of years to clean it up—but Slat quickly *made a name for himself after he presented a TEDx talk in which he claimed that he could do it in less than ten, if he could get his special machinery built.

Though his claim caused many skeptics to *raise their eyebrows, Slat dropped out of college so he could *bring his plans to life. Apart from crowdfunding $2.2 million for his idea, he *garnered millions more dollars through interested investors.

“After beginning this journey seven years ago, this first year of testing in the *unforgivable environment of *the high seas strongly indicates that our vision is attainable and that the beginning of our mission to rid the ocean of plastic garbage, which has *accumulated for decades, is within our sights,” said Slat.Once fully operational, The Ocean Cleanup will return plastic to land for recycling. The timing of that phase of the mission depends on further testing and design *iteration.


經過一年的測試,海洋清潔組織本周宣布,他們的船(船型System 001/B)已成功捕獲和收集塑料碎片。


在90年代發現太平洋垃圾帶之後,科學家說清理它需要數千年的時間,但是史拉特(Boyan Slat)在發表TEDx演講時聲稱他若成功建造自己的專用機械,便能在十年內完成這項任務。他也因為此一説法而走紅。



海洋清理器(The Ocean Cleanup)一旦完全投入使用,便能將塑料帶回陸地以進行回收。該階段任務的時間則取決於進一步的測試和設計的反覆改良。


Conservationist noun someone who works to protect the environment from the damaging effects of human activity 環境保護主義者
  • Conservationists are fighting to save the tiger.
Debris noun broken or torn pieces of something larger 碎片, 殘骸
  • Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.
Vortex noun a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty center 漩渦
  • I was sucked into a vortex of despair.
Garner verb to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty (通常指做大量工作或經歷很多困難而)收集, 積累
  • Coppola garnered several Oscar awards for "The Godfather".
Unforgivable adjective (of behavior) too bad to forgive(行為)過於惡劣無法饒恕的
  • The way he spoke to his mother was unforgivable.
The high seas noun the seas that are not controlled by any country 公海
  • He ventured the high seas in a small boat,
Accumulate verb to collect a large number of things over a long period of time 積累
  • We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.
Iteration noun the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, or one of the times you do it 反覆(通常為了作出改善而重複做某事)
  • The iteration should not take longer than a few weeks and is repeated for all parts of the big project.

Practical Phrases

Make a name for oneself to become famous or respected by a lot of people 揚名, 成名
  • He's made a name for himself as a talented journalist.
Raise one’s eyebrows to show surprise by moving your eyebrows upwards 揚起眉毛(表示驚訝)
  • She raised her eyebrows at the idea, but after I went through the details of the plan, she was agreed to support it.
Bring sth. to life to make something more real or exciting 使…成真; 使…生動有趣
  • The book brings all the characters to life.






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